Tamara Meijer Judoka

Tamara Meijer
Country: Netherlands
Born: 5 July 1979 (45 years)
Dutch judoka Tamara Meijer was 1996 junior World Champion. Meijer was the youngest member of the 1996 Olympic team of the Netherlands aged 17. 1996 and 1997 European junior Champion. Sister of Dennis Meijer and quadruple Dutch champion.
Judo results
Date | Result | Judo event | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 Apr 2005 | 1 | Dutch Military Championships Apeldoorn | NMC | OpenW | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
13 Apr 2005 | 1 | Dutch Military Championships Apeldoorn | NMC | U70 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Sep 2004 | 2 | Dutch Military Championships Apeldoorn | NMC | OpenW | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Feb 2001 | 3 | Grand Prix Austria 2001 Leonding | WCup | U57 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 Nov 2000 | 3 | Dutch Championships 's-Hertogenbosch | NC | U57 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 Nov 1999 | 2 | Dutch Championships 's-Hertogenbosch | NC | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 Oct 1999 | 1 | European Club Cup final Haarlem | ECC | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 Jun 1999 | 3 | Tre Torri Tournament Corridonia | IT | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 May 1998 | 5 | European Championships Oviedo | ECh | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 Mar 1998 | 3 | Grand Prix Città di Roma | WCup | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 Nov 1997 | 1 | European Junior Championships Ljubljana | EChJun | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 May 1997 | 5 | European Championships Oostende | ECh | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 Apr 1997 | 5 | Dutch Open 's-Hertogenbosch | WCup | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 Mar 1997 | 2 | Grand Prix Città di Roma | WCup | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Mar 1997 | 5 | A-Tournament Budapest Bank Cup | WCup | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 Feb 1997 | 1 | Dutch Junior Championships Beverwijk | NJun | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
23 Nov 1996 | 1 | Dutch Championships 's-Hertogenbosch | NC | U52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 Nov 1996 | 1 | European Junior Championships Monte Carlo | EChJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 Oct 1996 | 3 | European Team Championships St. Petersburg | ETC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Oct 1996 | 1 | World Junior Championships U19/21 Porto | WJC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 Jun 1996 | 1 | German Junior Open U19/U21 Berlin | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
2 Mar 1996 | 3 | A-Tournament Budapest Bank Cup | WCup | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 Nov 1995 | 1 | Dutch Championships 's-Hertogenbosch | NC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Nov 1995 | 3 | European Junior Championships Valladolid | EChJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 Oct 1995 | 3 | European Team Championships Trnava | ETC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Oct 1995 | 5 | World Championships Chiba | WCh | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 May 1995 | 7 | European Championships Birmingham | ECh | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Apr 1995 | 5 | Dutch Open 's-Hertogenbosch | IT | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 Mar 1995 | 1 | Belgian Open juniors Arlon | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Feb 1995 | 1 | Dutch Junior Championships Leek | NJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Nov 1994 | 1 | Dutch Championships 's-Hertogenbosch | NC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Nov 1994 | 3 | European Junior Championships Lisbon | EChJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 Oct 1994 | 1 | European Team Championships The Hague | ETC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Oct 1994 | 1 | Atom Cup juniors Paks | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
14 May 1994 | 1 | Dutch Cadet Championships Born U16/18 | NCadet | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Mar 1994 | 1 | Belgian Open juniors Arlon | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Feb 1994 | 2 | International Junior Tournament Nantes | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Feb 1994 | 1 | Dutch Junior Championships Utrecht U19/21 | NJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Nov 1993 | 1 | Dutch Championships 's-Hertogenbosch | NC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Nov 1993 | 5 | European Junior Championships Arnhem | EChJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 Oct 1993 | 2 | European Team Championships Frankfurt | ETC | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 Oct 1993 | 1 | Swedish Open U20 Stockholm | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
5 Jun 1993 | 3 | Junior tournament Roger Serzian Belfort | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
8 May 1993 | 1 | Dutch Cadet Championships Markelo | NCadet | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Feb 1993 | 1 | Dutch Junior Championships The Hague | NJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Oct 1992 | 1 | Dutch Championships U18 Leeuwarden | NCadet | U44 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
20 Mar 1992 | 3 | Belgian Open juniors Arlon | ITJun | U48 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Apr 2005 | 1 | NMC | OpenW |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Apr 2005 | 1 | NMC | U70 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Sep 2004 | 2 | NMC | OpenW |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 Feb 2001 | 3 | WCup | U57 |
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25 Nov 2000 | 3 | NC | U57 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 Nov 1999 | 2 | NC | U52 |
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31 Oct 1999 | 1 | ECC | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
12 Jun 1999 | 3 | IT | U52 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 May 1998 | 5 | ECh | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 Mar 1998 | 3 | WCup | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 Nov 1997 | 1 | EChJun | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 May 1997 | 5 | ECh | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 Apr 1997 | 5 | WCup | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 Mar 1997 | 2 | WCup | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Mar 1997 | 5 | WCup | U52 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Feb 1997 | 1 | NJun | U52 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
23 Nov 1996 | 1 | NC | U52 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 Nov 1996 | 1 | EChJun | U48 |
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20 Oct 1996 | 3 | ETC | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 Oct 1996 | 1 | WJC | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Jun 1996 | 1 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Mar 1996 | 3 | WCup | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Nov 1995 | 1 | NC | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 Nov 1995 | 3 | EChJun | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||
14 Oct 1995 | 3 | ETC | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Oct 1995 | 5 | WCh | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 May 1995 | 7 | ECh | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 Apr 1995 | 5 | IT | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Mar 1995 | 1 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Feb 1995 | 1 | NJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Nov 1994 | 1 | NC | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||
19 Nov 1994 | 3 | EChJun | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 Oct 1994 | 1 | ETC | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
2 Oct 1994 | 1 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
14 May 1994 | 1 | NCadet | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Mar 1994 | 1 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Feb 1994 | 2 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Feb 1994 | 1 | NJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Nov 1993 | 1 | NC | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 Nov 1993 | 5 | EChJun | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||
24 Oct 1993 | 2 | ETC | U48 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
9 Oct 1993 | 1 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 Jun 1993 | 3 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
8 May 1993 | 1 | NCadet | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Feb 1993 | 1 | NJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Oct 1992 | 1 | NCadet | U44 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
20 Mar 1992 | 3 | ITJun | U48 |
We do not have fights for this result.
W/L | Opponent | Date |
L | Lomba, Marisabel | 2001 |
L | Lupetey, Yurisleidys | 2001 |
W | Boukouvala, Ioulietta | 2001 |
W | Soukalova, Michaela | 2001 |
W | Cox, Sophie | 2001 |
Frequent opponents
Opponent | Matches | W/L |
Perlberg Jana | 5 | 0:5 |
Macrì Giuseppina | 4 | 3:1 |
Gradante Anna-Maria | 3 | 2:1 |
Meloux Sylvie | 3 | 1:2 |
Restoux Marie-Claire | 3 | 1:2 |
Judo birthday
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