Strong women stand up please for yourselves

Still too many women suffer from too much attention from men. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop and on the occasion of International Women's Rights Day in March a new initiative was launched in the “Balance ton sport movement”. However also in other countries the awareness is growing for women that have been sexually or mentally abused, not just in judo but in many sports. Judo Belgian Charline Van Snick is very active and she is shocked by the latest news, but it doesn’t stop there. Although it takes energy and women are scared to talk about this topic, the statistics are clear that speaking about the topic is essential. It is not against men, it is taking responsibility by men and create awareness. For this Van Snick, who initiated the platform with Lola Mansour, is looking for women who want to speak out.
The first action consisted of a compilation of videos of testimonials from professional sportswomen and amateurs denouncing the violence suffered in the context of sport. The videos are available on Charline Van Snick's Facebook and Instagram pages and YouTube channel.
"In a very short time, we formed a think tank with several (professionals and amateurs) in order to exchange on our respective experiences. The tongues loosened, the memories emerged. All that we had to take, as witnesses, victims (direct or collateral): humiliations, denigration, blackmail, insults, gender-based violence ... Each continued: 'yes, I experienced that too!'. That's why that we made these videos ourselves. It had to come out! "
In a European survey ¾ of the women were confronted with violence in sport and even before 18 years old. “A man who is violent, has nothing special” Van Snick adds.
"There are 1001 reasons which can prevent a sportswoman from testifying: too much pressure, fear of being deprived of selections, no alternative, lack of perspective for a 'awareness', influence of the coaches, lack of support from official bodies etc. "
"How many wasted lives and destroyed careers ignored? We have sufficiently probed, studied, analyzed, explained: discrimination, invisibilization, harassment, violence ... We know how much and why! Enough statistics, nothing really changes. We demand the end of the omerta in the world of sport, shame and fear must, once and for all, change sides!"
"Beyond the observation, we demand action! Unfortunately the violence doesn’t stop and I would like to call for strong women who approach me via social media so we can form a strong block of opinions, as the statistics don’t lie. It’s a global problem in a violent culture and I cannot fight alone. We need those strong women!” Contact Balance ton Sport here.
Did you know that….
… one third of all athletes who are members of a team will be confronted with sexually abusive behavior during their athletic career?
… the majority of the targeted athletes are under 18 years old?
… sex offenders usually commit 100 offences before they get caught?
… in more than 80% of all cases the offender is well known by the victims?
… in organizations with a prevention concept and a culture of awareness the risk of sexual abuse is significantly lower?
… most offenders are not pedophiles, but pedo-criminals?
… on average victims have to tell their story five times before somebody believes them and is listening?
… boys are almost at equal risk of becoming targeted than girls?