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Mixed team event at World Championships

Mixed team event at World Championships

13 Jul 2017 13:05
IJF Media Team / International Judo Federation

At the World Championships in Budapest the mixed teams competition will be a part of the competition for the first time. It feature teams consisting of three men and three women.

The winning team is decided as follows:

1. The number of contests won.

2. If the number of contests won are equal, the sum of all achieved scores in the team will

decide, every ippon will count as 10 points and every waza-ari as 1 point.

Points will be given as follows:

a. Ippon Gachi/Fusen Gachi (opponent does not show up)/Kiken Gachi (opponent withdraws)10 points

b. Waza-ari 1 point

c. Win by Shido 0 points

The same points apply regardless of whether they are achieved in regular time or during

Golden Score. In the case of osaekomi during the Golden Score an athlete can continue the

hold to gain maximum points.

3. If the number of scoring points are equal a random draw will be made and one couple

will re-fight a Golden Score contest where the first score or penalty of any kind decides the

winning team.