Lukasz Kielbasinski Judoka

Lukasz Kielbasinski
Country: Poland
Born: 2 January 1992 (33 years)
Polish judoka Lukasz Kielbasinski won a European U23 silver medal in 2014. He was Polish champion U60kg in 2012 and 2013 and bronze in 2010. He won Polish titles as cadet, junior and U23. He competed at European and World Championships. In 2009 he won bronze at the World Junior Championships U55kg.
Judo results
Date | Result | Judo event | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Oct 2018 | 3 | Polish Championships Warsaw | NC | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Sep 2018 | 5 | European Cup Bratislava | ECup | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 Jul 2018 | 7 | European Cup Saarbrucken | ECup | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 Jun 2018 | 5 | European Cup Belgrade | ECup | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 Dec 2017 | 5 | Asian Open Hong Kong | WCup | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 Feb 2015 | 7 | European Open Warsaw | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 Nov 2014 | 2 | European Championships U23 Wroclaw | EJU23 | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Apr 2014 | 2 | Polish U23 Championships Rzeszów | N23 | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Nov 2013 | 5 | European Championships U23 Samokov | EJU23 | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 Oct 2013 | 2 | European Open Glasgow | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Oct 2013 | 1 | Polish Championships Gdansk | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
14 Sep 2013 | 3 | Grand Prix Rijeka | GP | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 Jun 2013 | 3 | European Open Tallinn | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 Apr 2013 | 1 | Polish U23 Championships Wroclaw | N23 | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Oct 2012 | 2 | European Cup Borås | ECup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 Oct 2012 | 1 | Polish Championships Lubón Poznania | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Oct 2012 | 3 | World Cup Minsk | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Oct 2011 | 2 | Warsaw Judo Open Junior Tournament | ITJun | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
16 Sep 2011 | 5 | European U20 Championships Lommel | EChJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 Jul 2011 | 2 | European Cup U20 Cetniewo | IJFJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
21 May 2011 | 2 | European Cup U20 Kiev | IJFJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
8 May 2011 | 3 | European Cup U20 Kaunas | IJFJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
2 Apr 2011 | 1 | Polish Championships U20 Wroclaw | NJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Jan 2011 | 2 | Dutch Open Espoir U20 Tournament Eindhoven | ITJun | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Sep 2010 | 3 | Polish Championships Koszalin | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 Sep 2010 | 7 | European U20 Championships Samokov | EChJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 Aug 2010 | 3 | European Cup Top Junior U20 Berlin | IJFJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
31 Jul 2010 | 3 | European Cup Top Junior U20 Prague | IJFJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
1 May 2010 | 1 | European Cup Junior U20 Kaunas | IJFJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 Mar 2010 | 3 | Polish Championships U20 Wroclaw | NJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Oct 2009 | 3 | World Championships Juniors Paris | WJC | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 Sep 2009 | 1 | Warsaw Judo Open Junior Tournament | ITJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Jul 2009 | 3 | Top Junior Tour U20 Cetniewo | IJFJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Jun 2009 | 3 | Top Junior Tour U20 Leibnitz | IJFJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
3 May 2009 | 1 | Junior Tour U20 Kaunas | IJFJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
5 Apr 2009 | 3 | Polish Championships U20 Opole | NJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Sep 2008 | 3 | Warsaw Judo Open Junior Tournament | ITJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Sep 2008 | 1 | Warsaw Judo Open Cadet Tournament | ITCad | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
4 Jul 2008 | 3 | European Cadet Championships U17 Sarajevo | EChCa | U50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 May 2008 | 3 | The Olympic Hopes U17 Szczyrk | IJFCad | U50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 May 2008 | 2 | International German Open U17 IDEM Berlin | ITCad | U50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Apr 2008 | 1 | Polish U17 Championships Glogów | NCadet | U50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 Oct 2007 | 1 | Herbstpokal U17 Tournament Kufstein | ITCad | U50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Sep 2007 | 1 | Warsaw Judo Open Cadet Tournament | ITCad | U50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 Apr 2007 | 2 | Polish U17 Championships Opole | NCadet | U46 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
23 Sep 2006 | 1 | Warsaw Judo Open Cadet Tournament | ITCad | U46 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 Oct 2018 | 3 | NC | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Sep 2018 | 5 | ECup | U66 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 Jul 2018 | 7 | ECup | U66 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 Jun 2018 | 5 | ECup | U66 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 Dec 2017 | 5 | WCup | U66 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 Feb 2015 | 7 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 Nov 2014 | 2 | EJU23 | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 Apr 2014 | 2 | N23 | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 Nov 2013 | 5 | EJU23 | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Oct 2013 | 2 | WCup | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 Oct 2013 | 1 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 Sep 2013 | 3 | GP | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 Jun 2013 | 3 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 Apr 2013 | 1 | N23 | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 Oct 2012 | 2 | ECup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
21 Oct 2012 | 1 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 Oct 2012 | 3 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Oct 2011 | 2 | ITJun | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 Sep 2011 | 5 | EChJun | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
23 Jul 2011 | 2 | IJFJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
21 May 2011 | 2 | IJFJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
8 May 2011 | 3 | IJFJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
2 Apr 2011 | 1 | NJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Jan 2011 | 2 | ITJun | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Sep 2010 | 3 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||
17 Sep 2010 | 7 | EChJun | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
14 Aug 2010 | 3 | IJFJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
31 Jul 2010 | 3 | IJFJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 May 2010 | 1 | IJFJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 Mar 2010 | 3 | NJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 Oct 2009 | 3 | WJC | U55 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Sep 2009 | 1 | ITJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Jul 2009 | 3 | IJFJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 Jun 2009 | 3 | IJFJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 May 2009 | 1 | IJFJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 Apr 2009 | 3 | NJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Sep 2008 | 3 | ITJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Sep 2008 | 1 | ITCad | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 Jul 2008 | 3 | EChCa | U50 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
24 May 2008 | 3 | IJFCad | U50 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 May 2008 | 2 | ITCad | U50 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Apr 2008 | 1 | NCadet | U50 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 Oct 2007 | 1 | ITCad | U50 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Sep 2007 | 1 | ITCad | U50 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 Apr 2007 | 2 | NCadet | U46 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
23 Sep 2006 | 1 | ITCad | U46 |
We do not have fights for this result.
W/L | Opponent | Date |
L | Perez Roman, Daniel | 2019 |
L | Varey, Gregg | 2019 |
L | Petrikov, Pavel | 2019 |
L | Wang, Chao | 2018 |
W | Wada, Yoshikazu | 2018 |
Frequent opponents
Opponent | Matches | W/L |
Lundqvist Alexander | 2 | 2:0 |
Pulkrabek David | 2 | 2:0 |
Trbovc Matjaz | 2 | 0:2 |
Shishime Toru | 2 | 0:2 |
Kaba Ahmet Sahin | 2 | 0:2 |
Judo birthday

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