José Bernardo Judoka
José Bernardo
Country: Portugal | Born: Unknown birthdate. Please help us to know
Judoka José Bernardo from Portugal captured a silver medal at the Portuguese U18 Championships Odivelas U73kg in 2016.
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Match balance per year
Year Matches Won Lost % won
2017 1 0 1 0.0%
2016 3 1 2 33.3%
Total 4 1 3 25.0%
Date Opponent Noc Rnd W/L Type Event Cat video
18 Mar 2017 Khatelishvili, Luka CAN 1/16 L IJFJun Coimbra U81
28 May 2016 Boucard-Rietsch, Erwan FRA 13/16 L IJFCad Coimbra U73
28 May 2016 Prosdocimo, Mattia ITA 1/8 L IJFCad Coimbra U73
28 May 2016 Sole Alonso, Jordi ESP 1/16 W IJFCad Coimbra U73