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Stats and records of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam

Stats and records of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam

24 Nov 2021 17:05 - Hans van Essen / judo news, results and photos

None of the ten double winners of the Grand Slam in Abu Dhabi is competing. A set of ten player captured the title in the Emirati capital twice. Two of them said farewell to international judo: Laura Vargas Koch and previously Majlinda Kelmendi who collected four medals in Abu Dhabi. She is close to be the most decorated medallist, but Dutch woman Guusje Steenhuis is on top of that list with five medals including two titles.

A total of 225 athletes from 41 countries have registered for the last Grand Slam of the world. It is not the lowest number as in the 2016 Olympic year, Abu Dhabi hosted the event also after the Olympics with just 151 athletes. In fact athletes are already warming up for the next qualification starting early next year for the Paris Games. For many still a dream, but for some a real target such as for Amandine Buchard, the number one seed U52kg. She will definitely be aiming for the gold in Abu Dhabi.

The Russian federation will send the most athletes, a team of 22, followed by France (21) and Mongolia (20) with a big team of prospects. Also Uzbekistan will have a strong team. Tashkent is the organizer of the 2022 World Championships and the team will be definitely an eyecatcher in Abu Dhabi.

Usually Georgia has a strong team, this time only World Champion Lasha Shavdatuashvili is present at the Grand Slam, definitely worth while and of course the man to catch U73kg.

Israel sent its women’s team with good medal prospects such as Rishony, Primo, Nelson Levy and Gefen’s sister Kerem Primo and heavyweight Raz Hershko. In fact the whole Israelian team is worth while to watch, with Gili Sharir and Inbar Lanir who also proved to be in shape. An Israeli women’s team in Abu Dhabi is an mouthwatering view anyway. Israel was banned many times but IJF President Marius Vizer broke that ban with the federation and the Israeli are most welcome since a few years. For sure the Israelian women will deal with the French, Mongolian women, Russian Federation and a nice British team including Olympic medallist Chelsie Giles who is on the same side as Gefen Primo.