Order the Judo Calendar 2017 by Emmeric Le Person

The latest product in judo is produced by Emmeric Le Person. The French photographer is a welcome photo journalist and recognizable for his typical black and white photos. Usually in the quiet zones of the warm up hall and call room. Le Person is making the best athlete pictures giving an image of the beauty of our sport.
Le Person: "Actually I am not a judo photographer, I am photographer to judo. My working area is both the warm up room and the call room. I shoot directly in black and white. I never use photoshop to modify my job. Authenticity is my way of life."
For this occasion Le Person made an A4 format calendar for 2017 with some of the best judo women on the planet. Obviously a subjective choice, and a good reason for discussion and to continue his work in the future. The friendly French photographer was had all the cooperation of the athletes to use their portraits.
"A photo is like an ippon. I do my best as each photo has to tell a story. I have always in my mind that the story of athletes' life has to give a view in integrity and respect in the most optimal way. Also the cooperation with athletes is a matter of trust. Trust is the main word that I never forget when I am lucky to live with them. Trust is essential. Especially for women, because in my opinion there is nothing more beautiful than a woman in judogi.
Unveiling the names in his calendar we give you a small sneak preview.
The pictures in this article are not those in the calendar.
Urantsetseg MUNKHBAT (MGL)
Tserennadmid TSEND-AYUSH (MGL)
Astride GNETO (FRA)
Priscilla GNETO (FRA)
Andreea CHITU (ROU)
You can order the perfect judo Christmas gift now. Order here
Support Emmeric and you can approach him at the events to inform about his work. Emmeric is a supporter of JudoInside.com and contributes with his typical and unique style.
Follow him at www.emmericleperson.com and at his blog www.judoheart.com

Result | City | Date |
2 | Paris | 2024 |
1 | Abu Dhabi | 2024 |
1 | Zagreb | 2024 |
3 | Belgrade | 2023 |
2 | Montpellier | 2023 |