Darwish and Shershan ranked 7 after Sofia Euro Open

Sofia winners Ramadan Darwish (EGY) and Dzmitry Shershan (BLR) have both improved their positions in the latest IJF World Ranking. Both Darwish as Shershan are now ranked seventh. For Darwish one position better, Shershan was tenth last week and his best ever position was fourth in August 2015.
In the new rank the points of the African Open of 2014 were deducted and last year’s points of Sofia were reduced by 50%.
Some of the gold medals were captured by surprising judoka, Elbrus Zamanov (AZE) now reached a top 100 position at 97. Saian Ondar (RUS-108), Dmytro Berezhnyy (UKR-106) haven’t even reached the top 100 but booked the biggest progression.
Brazilian winner David Moura is now ranked 10, in 2014 he was the number 4 of the world.
The two Slovenian winners Pogacnik and Apotekar moved slightly; Pogacnik U70kg from 37 to 35 and youngster Apotekar from 57 to 52 U78kg where her (half)sister Ana Velensek is the best ranked Slovenian at 3, behind Harrison and Tcheumeo.