Daria Bobrikova Judoka
Daria Bobrikova
Daria Bobrikova
Country: Russia | Born: 30 April 1995 (29 years)
Daria Bobrikova was born in Russia and married to Ukraine judoka Bogdan Iadov. She took a bronze medal at the European Cup in Saarbrücken in 2017. She clinched a bronze medal at the Universiade in Napoli in 2019. In 2019 she had to quit judo after she moved the Ukraine. She is a professional photographer specialised in portraits.
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Match balance per year
Year Matches Won Lost % won
2015 1 1 0 100.0%
Total 1 1 0 100.0%
Date Opponent Noc Rnd W/L Type Event Cat video
6 Jun 2015 Ungureanu, Denisa ROU 1/4 W IJFJun Leibnitz U48