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FISU World University Games finally opened

FISU World University Games finally opened

28 Jul 2023 12:25

After a two-year wait, the Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games have finally commenced. The Dong'an Lake Sports Stadium witnessed a spectacular opening ceremony, welcoming 6,500 student-athletes from 113 countries eager to participate in the games. A massive countdown clock at the heart of the city reminds everyone that the highly anticipated event has begun, and the weather has cleared up after several days of rain, adding to the excitement.

Among the various competitions, the Judo tournament promises to be intense, with 268 judoka from 42 countries vying for victory. Notably, Japan boasts a strong team with the maximum allowed 14 athletes, while Mongolia's Odkhuu, ranked third in the world, and skilled Korean athletes like Lee, Huh, and Kim MinJong are expected to put up a fierce fight. Former world number one, Yang Yung Wei, will also be aiming for a gold medal in the U60kg category, making the event all the more competitive with six athletes from the top 10 world rankings participating.

The Games hold significant importance for Chengdu's 21 million residents, with 9.4 million regularly engaging in exercises. The participation of 20,000 volunteers, primarily recruited from 35 Chengdu Universities, further showcases the city's enthusiasm and dedication to making the event a success.

The success of Beijing 2001 Universiade left a lasting impact, contributing to Beijing's hosting of the Olympic Games seven years later. Chengdu is also set to host the 12th edition of The World Games in 2025, with 49 world-class venues becoming part of the legacy of these Games.

China has consistently organized exceptional quality events for FISU, as seen with Beijing 2001 and Shenzhen 2011, and now adding Chengdu 2021 to the list. The competition, spanning 18 sports and 269 events, has attracted 3,512 male athletes and 2,988 female athletes, with athletics, swimming, taekwondo, and fencing having the highest number of participants. The world's student-athletes have gathered in Chengdu to showcase their talent and sportsmanship on this grand international stage.

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