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Improve Your Life with Judo’s Philosophy and Principles

Improve Your Life with Judo’s Philosophy and Principles

31 Mar 2023 09:45

When it comes to self-improvement, several principles and philosophies of abstract topics become relevant. And that is where physical activities and traditional culture, like Judo, also project positive impacts on our real lives. Besides being a practical sport, judo is a historical tradition of Japan that has existed as an educational activity.

Many don’t realize it, but a conducive learning environment impacts you beyond what you see. A perfect example is how the principles of money and risk management assist pros in mobile bingo sites to become better managers of their finances. All they want to do is play a fun game of chance, but it helps them in other ways too.

So, If you are still wondering what a sport like Judo has to do with your life, this article is for you. Judo, as a traditional culture of Asians, has great principles and philosophies that apply to our real lives. To begin, here are some principles of judo that are applicable to life:

Go with The Flow

Through a short illustration of Jigoro Kano's philosophy about Judo, it is advisable that people should go with the flow. Times come in judo where a player has no power to do or act on his own. According to Jigoro, it is better to flow with the movement than to apply force. So, how does it apply to our everyday life?

There will also be instances in life when life situations will start to get out of control. Instead of trying to change such situations, it is ideal to just go with the flow and do what you are capable of doing. In an attempt to forcefully change these situations, a much worse outcome might proceed.

Apply The Right Amount of Force

This is another principle from Jigoro Kano that can be applied to improve our daily interactions with others. If you find a chance to save yourself from causing more havoc, take the lead. When fighters see that winning is becoming impossible, the right step for them is to back off and re-strategize. Safety first! This way, it is easier for the fighter to avoid regrets and injuries.

Likewise, when a real-life argument starts on your guard, there is no point in struggling when you see yourself losing. Satisfying your ego by not ending the argument at a good time might be the wrong idea. Consider the outburst of emotions and fights that the argument can lead to. Is it worth it? Then, take the lead and settle the arguments to avoid regrets.

Practice The Art of Falling

Every judo fighter knows that falling from a battle is unavoidable. So, this makes it important that fighters practice the art of falling to avoid fatal injuries. In addition to the principle of going with the flow, knowing when to fall is another important practice for life.

Learn when and how to fall. It might seem like a weird quote, but when you take good reasoning at the sentence, you then find its meaning. Nevertheless, this principle is actually telling you to take hold of your life and know when to fall toward a stable situation in every aspect of your life. Speaking of the aspect of life these philosophies apply to, here are some of them;

  • Finances
  • Personal relationships with others
  • Family/Individual life
  • Daily judgments
  • Analyzing and deciding
  • Work-life
  • Passion
  • Education, and many more.

The Bottomline

Many principles and philosophies that must be followed for a fighter to become a pro-judoka also apply to the way you can improve your life. The deep meaning of these words can benefit you in many aspects of your day-to-day activities. If you wish to improve your life through Judo, read more about its philosophies and start implementing their meanings.

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