Rick Hawn Judoka
Rick Hawn
Country: United States
Born: 15 September 1976 (48 years)
Rick Hawn was World and Olympic participant in judo who won four national judo titles and three continental medals. Stepped over to MMA. Born in Chicago
Judo results
Date | Result | Judo event | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||
13 Jun 2008 | 3 | US Olympic Trials | NT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
6 May 2008 | 1 | Morris Cup Glenville N.Y. | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
12 Apr 2008 | 1 | Liberty Bell Judo Classic Philadelphia | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
11 Apr 2008 | 3 | US National Championships Virginia Beach | NC | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
30 Oct 2007 | 2 | Rendez-Vous Canada Montreal | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Oct 2007 | 3 | US Open Duluth | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
20 Jul 2007 | 3 | Pan American Games Rio de Janeiro | Panam | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
21 Apr 2007 | 1 | US National Championships Miami | NC | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Apr 2007 | 3 | Morris Cup Glenville N.Y. | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Mar 2007 | 2 | The New York Open | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 Feb 2007 | 1 | Pedro’s Judo Challenge Wakefield | IT | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 May 2006 | 2 | Tre Torri Tournament Corridonia | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Apr 2006 | 2 | US National Championships Houston | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
2 Apr 2006 | 2 | Liberty Bell Judo Classic Philadelphia | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
31 Oct 2005 | 3 | Scottish Open Championships Edinburgh | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Oct 2005 | 1 | Irish Open Dublin | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Oct 2005 | 3 | US Open Fort Lauderdale | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Apr 2005 | 2 | US National Championships Virginia Beach | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Oct 2004 | 3 | US National Championships Villa Park Illinois | NC | U73 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Sep 2004 | 3 | US Open Las Vegas | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
5 Jun 2004 | 1 | US Olympic Trials | NT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
24 Apr 2004 | 5 | Pan American Championships Isla Margarita | PanCH | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
7 Dec 2003 | 3 | Korea Open Jeju | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
11 Oct 2003 | 3 | US Open Las Vegas | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
31 Aug 2003 | 1 | USA Fall Classic Indianapolis | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
25 May 2003 | 1 | Benito Juárez Mexico City | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 May 2003 | 3 | Circuito Panamericano Copa Puerto Rico | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
11 May 2003 | 2 | FEDO Cup Dominican Republic | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Apr 2003 | 1 | US National Championships Las Vegas | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
9 Mar 2003 | 3 | The New York Open | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Nov 2002 | 3 | Pan American Championships Santo Domingo | PanCH | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Sep 2002 | 2 | USA Fall Classic Louisville | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Jun 2002 | 1 | Benito Juárez Mexico City | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
13 Apr 2002 | 1 | US National Championships Cleveland | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
24 Nov 2001 | 1 | Dallas Invitational Open | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Oct 2001 | 1 | Rendez-Vous Canada Montreal | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
16 Jun 2001 | 2 | Festival Olimpico Mexicano | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
5 May 2001 | 2 | Copa Puerto Rico | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Apr 2001 | 3 | US National Championships Orlando | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Jun 2000 | 3 | Festival Olimpico Mexicano | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Apr 2000 | 1 | US National Championships Houston | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Mar 2000 | 3 | The New York Open | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
14 Nov 1999 | 3 | Pan American Championships Montevideo | PanCH | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Jun 1999 | 2 | Benito Juárez Mexico City | IT | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 Apr 1999 | 3 | US National Championships Spokane | NC | U81 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
3 May 1997 | 3 | US National Championships Ft. Lauderdale | NC | U71 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Mar 1997 | 2 | Liberty Bell Judo Classic Philadelphia | IT | U71 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
30 Jun 1996 | 3 | US National Junior Olympics Oakland | NJC | U71 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Jan 1996 | 2 | USJF Juvenile C Championships | NJun | U71 | |||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Jun 2008 | 3 | NT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 May 2008 | 1 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
12 Apr 2008 | 1 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
11 Apr 2008 | 3 | NC | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Oct 2007 | 2 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Oct 2007 | 3 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||
20 Jul 2007 | 3 | Panam | U90 | |||||||||||||||||
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
21 Apr 2007 | 1 | NC | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Apr 2007 | 3 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Mar 2007 | 2 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
17 Feb 2007 | 1 | IT | U90 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 May 2006 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
22 Apr 2006 | 2 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
2 Apr 2006 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
31 Oct 2005 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
22 Oct 2005 | 1 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Oct 2005 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
22 Apr 2005 | 2 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Oct 2004 | 3 | NC | U73 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Sep 2004 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 Jun 2004 | 1 | NT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
24 Apr 2004 | 5 | PanCH | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
7 Dec 2003 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
11 Oct 2003 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
31 Aug 2003 | 1 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 May 2003 | 1 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
17 May 2003 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
11 May 2003 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Apr 2003 | 1 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
9 Mar 2003 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Nov 2002 | 3 | PanCH | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Sep 2002 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Jun 2002 | 1 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Apr 2002 | 1 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
24 Nov 2001 | 1 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Oct 2001 | 1 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
16 Jun 2001 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 May 2001 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Apr 2001 | 3 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Jun 2000 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Apr 2000 | 1 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Mar 2000 | 3 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
14 Nov 1999 | 3 | PanCH | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Jun 1999 | 2 | IT | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 Apr 1999 | 3 | NC | U81 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 May 1997 | 3 | NC | U71 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Mar 1997 | 2 | IT | U71 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Jun 1996 | 3 | NJC | U71 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Jan 1996 | 2 | NJun | U71 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
W/L | Opponent | Date |
L | Masubuchi, Tatsuki | 2008 |
W | Labalaukis, Marius | 2008 |
L | Liparteliani, Varlam | 2008 |
L | Mammadov, Elkhan | 2008 |
L | Sayidov, Ramziddin | 2007 |
Frequent opponents
Opponent | Matches | W/L |
Edmans Matthew | 2 | 2:0 |
Palatini Luca | 2 | 2:0 |
Tölgyesi Krisztián | 2 | 0:2 |
Svec Jaroslav | 2 | 0:2 |
Krawczyk Robert | 2 | 0:2 |
Judo birthday
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