Miren Leon Judoka
Miren Leon
Miren Leon
Country: Spain | Born: 7 June 1975 (49 years)
Spanish judoka Miren Leon won the Polish Open in Warsaw in 1999 and won various medals at World Cup level U52kg. The Spanish judoka was European Junior Champion in 1993 U48kg. 4 times Spanish champion 1998-2001. She is now cross fit trainer in Pamplona. Her official name is Maria Lourdes Leon Ruiz.
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Match balance per year
Year Matches Won Lost % won
1999 1 0 1 0.0%
1998 1 1 0 100.0%
Total 2 1 1 50.0%
Date Opponent Noc Rnd W/L Type Event Cat video
9 Oct 1999 Filzmoser, Sabrina AUT 13/16 L WCh Birmingham U52
17 May 1998 Filzmoser, Sabrina AUT 1/8 W ECh Oviedo U52
Results comparison
Date Leon Filzmoser City Type Cat
17 Feb 2007
Vienna WCup U52 vs U57
25 Mar 2000
Rome WCup U52 vs U57