Leo White Judoka
Leo White
Country: United States
Born: 3 November 1957 (67 years)
Competed two times at the Olympic Games: 1984 and 1992. He won the PanAm title and 8 medals. Also countless US national titles.
Judo results
Date | Result | Judo event | Type | Cat. | |
27 Oct 2004 | 1 | US National Championships Villa Park Illinois | NC | O100 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
13 Jan 1996 | 2 | US Olympic Trials | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Nov 1995 | 3 | Scandinavian Open Billund | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Apr 1995 | 1 | US National Championships Indianapolis | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
9 Apr 1994 | 1 | US National Championships Irvine | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Jun 1993 | 1 | Pacific Rim Judo Championships Auckland | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
17 Apr 1993 | 1 | US National Championships Indianapolis | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
9 Apr 1992 | 1 | US National Championships Pittsburgh | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
11 Jan 1992 | 1 | US Olympic Trials | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
11 Aug 1991 | 2 | Pan American Games Havana | Panam | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
20 Apr 1991 | 2 | US National Championships Honolulu | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
3 Nov 1990 | 3 | US Open Colorado Springs | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
20 Oct 1990 | 3 | Pan American Championships Caracas | PanCH | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
8 Jul 1990 | 1 | Olympic Festival St. Paul | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
3 Jun 1990 | 1 | Tre Torri Tournament Corridonia | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
21 Apr 1990 | 1 | US National Championships San Diego | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Apr 1989 | 1 | US National Championships Tampa | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
30 Apr 1988 | 1 | US National Championships Ft. Wayne. Ind. | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
30 Apr 1988 | 1 | US National Championships Ft. Wayne. Ind. | NC | OpenM | |
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Jan 1988 | 3 | Pan American Championships Buenos Aires | PanCH | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Dec 1987 | 3 | Sungkop Tournament Seoul | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Nov 1987 | 1 | US Open Colorado Springs | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
9 Aug 1987 | 3 | Pan American Games Indianapolis | Panam | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Jul 1987 | 1 | Olympic Festival North Carolina | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
16 Jun 1987 | 1 | World Military Championships San Diego | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Apr 1987 | 3 | US National Championships Pittsburgh | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Apr 1985 | 1 | US National Championships Farmington Hills | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
2 Nov 1984 | 1 | World Military Championships Seoul | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Apr 1984 | 1 | US National Championships Orlando | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Apr 1984 | 2 | German Open Frechen | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Mar 1984 | 3 | Belgian Open Championships Visé | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
19 Nov 1983 | 1 | US Open Colorado Springs | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Aug 1983 | 3 | Pan American Games Caracas | Panam | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
28 May 1983 | 3 | Pacific Rim Judo Championships Hong Kong | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
23 Apr 1983 | 1 | US National Championships Los Angeles | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
30 Oct 1982 | 1 | US Open Colorado Springs | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
29 Aug 1982 | 1 | World Military Championships Sao Paulo | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
24 Apr 1982 | 1 | US National Championships Indianapolis | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
4 Apr 1982 | 3 | Dutch Open Kerkrade | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
12 Jun 1981 | 1 | World Military Championships Colorado | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Apr 1981 | 1 | US National Championships Little Rock | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Sep 1980 | 3 | World Military Championships Graz | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Sep 1980 | 2 | World Military Championships Graz | WMC | OpenM | |
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Feb 1980 | 2 | Pacific Rim Judo Championships Honolulu | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Jul 1979 | 3 | Pan American Games San Juan | Panam | U86 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
14 Apr 1979 | 1 | US National Championships San Francisco | NC | U86 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Apr 1978 | 3 | US National Championships Chicago | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
16 Apr 1977 | 1 | US National Championships St. Louis Mo. | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Apr 1976 | 2 | Pan American Championships Maracaibo | PanCH | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Apr 1976 | 1 | Pan American Championships Maracaibo | PanCH | OpenM | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Oct 2004 | 1 | NC | O100 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Jan 1996 | 2 | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Nov 1995 | 3 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Apr 1995 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
9 Apr 1994 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 Jun 1993 | 1 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
17 Apr 1993 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
9 Apr 1992 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
11 Jan 1992 | 1 | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
11 Aug 1991 | 2 | Panam | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
20 Apr 1991 | 2 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 Nov 1990 | 3 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
20 Oct 1990 | 3 | PanCH | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
8 Jul 1990 | 1 | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 Jun 1990 | 1 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
21 Apr 1990 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
22 Apr 1989 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Apr 1988 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Apr 1988 | 1 | NC | OpenM | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Jan 1988 | 3 | PanCH | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Dec 1987 | 3 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 Nov 1987 | 1 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
9 Aug 1987 | 3 | Panam | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Jul 1987 | 1 | NT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
16 Jun 1987 | 1 | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Apr 1987 | 3 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Apr 1985 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
2 Nov 1984 | 1 | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Apr 1984 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Apr 1984 | 2 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Mar 1984 | 3 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
19 Nov 1983 | 1 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Aug 1983 | 3 | Panam | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 May 1983 | 3 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
23 Apr 1983 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Oct 1982 | 1 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
29 Aug 1982 | 1 | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
24 Apr 1982 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
4 Apr 1982 | 3 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
12 Jun 1981 | 1 | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Apr 1981 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Sep 1980 | 3 | WMC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Sep 1980 | 2 | WMC | OpenM | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Feb 1980 | 2 | IT | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Jul 1979 | 3 | Panam | U86 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
14 Apr 1979 | 1 | NC | U86 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Apr 1978 | 3 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
16 Apr 1977 | 1 | NC | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Apr 1976 | 2 | PanCH | U95 | |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Apr 1976 | 1 | PanCH | OpenM | |
We do not have fights for this result.
W/L | Opponent | Date |
L | Kai, Yasuhiro | 1992 |
L | Meijer, Theo | 1992 |
W | Traineau, Stéphane | 1992 |
W | El Shewy, Aiman | 1992 |
L | Dell'Aquila, Daniel | 1992 |
Frequent opponents
Opponent | Matches | W/L |
Dell'Aquila Daniel | 2 | 1:1 |
Aguirre Jorge | 2 | 0:2 |
Van De Walle Robert | 1 | 1:0 |
Ahlström Roland | 1 | 1:0 |
Traineau Stéphane | 1 | 1:0 |
Judo birthday
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