Daiki Nishiyama Judoka
Daiki Nishiyama
Daiki Nishiyama
Country: Japan | Born: 20 November 1990 (34 years)
Daiki Nishiyama won silver at the 2013 World Championships in Rio and 2010 World Championships in Tokyo. Nishiyama Daiki won the Tournoi de Paris in 2011 and 2016, the Grand Slam in 2011 U90kg. Nishiyama won the Kodokan Cup in Chiba in 2014. He took bronze at the 2015 Grand Slam in Tokyo. He took bronze at the Grand Slam in Tokyo in 2016 and won bronze at the Grand Prix in Düsseldorf in 2017.
Filter opponent:
Match balance per year
Year Matches Won Lost % won
2012 1 0 1 0.0%
2011 1 1 0 100.0%
2010 1 0 1 0.0%
Total 3 1 2 33.3%
Date Opponent Noc Rnd W/L Type Event Cat video
15 Jan 2012 Pessanha, Hugo BRA 1/4 L IJFMA Almaty U90
29 May 2011 Pessanha, Hugo BRA 1/2 W GSL Moscow U90
23 May 2010 Pessanha, Hugo BRA 1/2 L GSL Rio de Janeiro U90
Results comparison
Date Nishiyama Pessanha City Type Cat
15 Jan 2012
Almaty IJFMA U90
26 Aug 2011
Paris WCh U90
29 May 2011
Moscow GSL U90
22 May 2010
Rio de Janeiro GSL U90